Is Titanium Attracted to Magnets?

Titanium is a shiny transition metal appreciated for its high strength, low density, and exceptional corrosion resistance. These properties make it suitable for aerospace, medical implants, and marine applications.

Pure titanium is nonmagnetic but somewhat paramagnetic because of unpaired electrons in its d orbitals.

However, titanium’s magnetic properties are not strong enough to affect its practical applications. This article details titanium’s nonmagnetic properties and applications in various fields.


Titanium is a type of chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 22. And it is found in nature only as an oxide and could be reduced to make a shiny transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength. Titanium is corrosion resistant in seawater, aqua regia, and chlorine.


Titanium was found in Cornwall, Great Britain, by William Gregor in 1791. Martin Heinrich Klaproth named it after the Titans of Greek mythology. The element is found in several minerals, mainly rutile, and ilmenite, which are widely spread in the Earth’s crust and lithosphere. It is present in nearly all living things, bodies of water, soils, and rocks. This metal is extracted from its principal mineral ores using the Kroll and Hunter processes. The most general compound, titanium dioxide, is a welcome photocatalyst that produces white pigments. Other compounds involve titanium tetrachloride, a component of smoke screens and catalysts, and titanium trichloride, which is utilized as a catalyst in polypropylene production.

William Gregor

William Gregor (25 December 1761 – 11 June 1817)

Is Titanium Magnetic?

Although titanium is a silver-colored metal, it does not exhibit significant magnetic properties and is classified as a nonmagnetic metal. Other nonmagnetic metals include copper, silver, tungsten, and aluminum.

Of course, the nonmagnetic properties of titanium are intriguing. That’s why we will explain some basic facts about titanium’s magnetism here. Is Titanium Magnetic

The magnetic properties of a metal are influenced by its crystalline structure and the availability of electrons.

In titanium, there are no unpaired electrons. Additionally, titanium has a crystalline structure in its pure form and, therefore, does not exhibit magnetic properties like ferromagnetic materials.

Therefore, there will be hardly any interaction when titanium is placed in a magnetic field. For this reason, titanium is classified as a diamagnetic material.

Remembering that impurities such as iron can affect titanium’s nonmagnetic properties is crucial. A titanium alloy containing significant iron may exhibit some magnetic characteristics.

However, pure titanium has no magnetic characteristics, making it ideal for various applications, such as medical devices, aircraft, and chemical processes.

Titanium can be either paramagnetic or diamagnetic, depending on the type. The two most common types are alloyed titanium and pure titanium. Pure titanium, being diamagnetic, will not be attracted to a magnet.

However, titanium alloys can exhibit either paramagnetic or ferromagnetic properties, depending on their chemical composition. For example, if iron is present in the alloy as one of its constituents, it will typically be ferromagnetic and attracted to a magnet.

Nonmagnetic Properties of Titanium

Titanium is a unique metal renowned for its nonmagnetic properties. Titanium is not magnetic, unlike many other metals, such as iron and nickel. This is due to several reasons.

Electronic Configuration

Titanium’s atomic number is 22, which determines the arrangement of its electrons. This shows that there are two unpaired electrons in the 3D orbital. However, the alignment of these unpaired electrons does not enhance the magnetic moment, which is one reason why titanium does not display magnetism.


Titanium typically has a crystalline structure with no unpaired electrons. Although there are rare occurrences of titanium exhibiting a weak magnetic field, such instances are generally negligible.

Weak Magnetic Moments

The magnetic moments associated with titanium are notably weak and not strong enough to classify it as a magnetic material. In addition, these moments are not permanent, and the overall magnetic moment exhibited by titanium when subjected to a magnetic field remains minimal.

Cannot be attracted by Magnets

One reason Titanium is not magnetic is its low ferromagnetic elements. Titanium does not exhibit the same behavior, unlike nickel, iron, and cobalt, which have stronger ferromagnetic properties due to abundant ferromagnetic elements. This results in Titanium having a lower overall magnetic moment.

Magnet Dipole Alignment

Magnet Dipole Alignment

Factors Affecting Non-Magnetic Properties of Titanium

Titanium Electron Configuration

Titanium Electron Configuration

There are rare occasions when unique magnetic behavior can be observed in titanium. This behavior can be attributed to quite a few factors, such as:

Magnetizing Titanium

Even when subjected to the strongest external magnetic field, titanium will not become a magnet due to its electron configuration, resulting in weaker magnetic moments that cannot remain magnetized.

They will not enhance the net magnetic moment in titanium; therefore, titanium will remain a nonmagnetic metal.


Titanium is known for its nonmagnetic properties at room temperature, but its magnetic susceptibility may increase at lower temperatures.


The purity level in titanium significantly affects its nonmagnetic properties, which is crucial when determining the metal’s purity. For instance, the existence of ferromagnetic impurities in titanium can cause it to display magnetic characteristics. Therefore, by identifying these impurities, one might correctly attribute the titanium’s magnetic properties directly to the metal itself.

Alloying Elements

When an alloying element is added to titanium, its nonmagnetic properties are influenced. Specifically, alloying titanium with ferromagnetic materials will cause the material to exhibit magnetic properties.

How Does Titanium Interact with Magnetic Fields?

Titanium is recognized for its paramagnetic properties, meaning it weakly attracts a magnet’s poles but does not retain permanent magnetism. This is due to the electronic configuration of titanium atoms, which lack the unpaired electrons responsible for magnetic effects in solids.

Unlike ferromagnetic materials, titanium displays a limited response to external magnetic fields, making it highly valuable in applications requiring minimal magnetic interference.

For example, titanium alloys are preferred in MRI machines because they do not distort the crucial magnetic fields needed for accurate imaging.

Additionally, titanium’s nonferromagnetic property ensures that its devices or components will not become magnetized over time.

This is especially important in industries such as aerospace and electronics, where magnetic properties can impact instrument functionality and data integrity.

In conclusion, titanium’s reaction to magnetic fields may seem subtle, but this trait enhances its applicability in high-stakes and technologically sophisticated environments.

Its ability to remain nonmagnetic under external magnetic influence contributes to its selection as a material of choice in many critical sectors.


Apart from its nonmagnetic properties, titanium is known for:

  1. Superior corrosion resistance
  2. Lightweight
  3. Superior strength

At the same time, titanium’s nonmagnetic property makes it an ideal material for specific applications:

  1. Medical devices manufacturing
  2. Making implants
  3. Making parts in the aerospace industry
  4. Equipment in desalination plants
  5. Fabricating parts in the chemical industry
  6. Any other application that does not require magnetic interference


Titanium is not naturally magnetic. While it can become slightly magnetic when exposed to strong magnetic fields, it does not retain its magnetism after the field is removed.

This unique property of titanium makes it a valuable material for extensive applications in aerospace, medical, and automotive industries.

While titanium is not magnetic, its strength, lightness, and corrosion resistance make it a versatile and sought-after material in various fields.